The First assembly of our academic year 2022-23 held on March 17, 2022 was arranged by all the Council Members and deepened the connection between the Flowerites and the Supreme. It intended to serve several purposes including the one already mentioned, introducing the profound Theme of our session i.e. Go and Do Likewise, making the children aware of the 5 core values of our school and infusing energy for the exciting festival which followed the day of the assembly - Holi.
Our day started with a melodious Hymn sung by the coir lead by Geeta Tandon Ma'am who prepared the children to sing "I have come to thee, to take Thy touch" and played her beautiful Cassio to give an appropriate music. Their sweet rendition touched the hearts of everyone and took the children closer to the Almighty.
Then, to seek the blessing of Our Father in Heaven, the whole assembly joined their hand and closed their eyes for the daily Universal Prayer spoken by Mudit.
To instil in wisdom, Sister Archana came up on the stage and enlightened everyone with a verse from the Holy Bible. This biblical reading shared a direct link to the theme of our year as she had narrated the Parable of the Good Samaritan and Jesus's commandment that followed.
Following the Reading from the Holy Bible, the gathering pledged before God to be a worthy student of our Sacred Institution, abide by its rules, love parents and teachers, stand for equality, etc. The School Pledge was headed by Ridhima where every single child learnt and dared to be wise!
Possitive thoughts cleanse the mind and with the same intention, Janhvi and Ridhima presented thoughts of the day which urged the assembley to 'Go and Do Likewise'.
Taking the children around the globe, Aryan and Bhavya made them aware of the world situation of our own country, the sports-related information and the weather forecast.
Then, another team explained marvellously what our school stands for, what governs out institution, they explained the 5 core values of our school which act as our pillars! These core values that had faded away in the darkness of Coronavirus were once again brought up and hence, revived amidst the assembly. Their deep description was indeed successful in teaching the children about the attributes they all must strive to instil in themselves.
Next up on the stage, was a group of artistic children attempting to enliven the audience with their happening enactment whose motive was to not only explain the Parable of the Good Samaritan but also to condemn the was between Russia and Ukraine. The Act followed the tale of George, a Russion tourist, stuck in a metro station as a refugee beside Sofia, a Ukrainian resident. The incoming of a bomb and George's saving everyone by running along with it reminded Sofia of the Almighty's words, "Go and Do thou Likewise" after which, she narrated the Holy Parable.
Following was a colourful Tableau which introduced exactly how the festival was carried out in different regions of our diverse country. It portrayed amazingly how at some places, it is interpreted religiously and people light a bonfire symbolising 'Holika Dahan' whereas at others, its main significance lies in its water-guns, 'Gulal', and the overall fun and enjoyment. With eloquent narrations and eye-catching scenes, it was the perfect combination of information and enthusiasm!
The Assembly ended with honouring our school by singing our School Anthem!